Our Ministry is growing and changing won’t you join us?
The Haiti Outreach Ministry is looking for people to join in
their ongoing service to the poorest of the poor in Haiti.
Requirements for mission team members!
1.Must be a member of St. Frances Cabrini and or an active committee member of long standing.
2. Must be 21 years of age.
3. Must be involved with the ministry for a minimum of 1 year prior to trip.( monthly meeting and all activities during that time)
4. Must attend all training session before visit.
5. Continue to be involved in ministry (minimum) one year after visit.
6. Discernment process is used to determine if you are eligible to travel to Haiti – Haiti Core Team Members
7. Physically, and emotionally in good health. Must be a TEAM PLAYER – work and live with others under drastic situations.
The Haiti Twinning Committee meets usually every 3rd Thursday of the Month in the Education Center at 6:30. Next Meeting on May 8th
If you wish to help this ministry in any of the following areas please call Marianne Boehme at 262 -338-8845