By Marianne Boehme Update-February 2020

Update-February 2020
Anticipation is high for the March Team members heading for Haiti on February 6th. Two of the members have never travel to Haiti, Rob Krantz and Mike Kuepper. We believe those who volunteer to get involved with Haiti are God’s gift to this ministry. Below is our schedule and we ask that you all follow along daily to pray specifically for our daily needs?
DAY 1 Thursday – Departure Feb. 6thfrom Milwaukee Airport 11:45 am. Flight to Charlotte, NC then to Miami International arrival 6:51pm. We need to overnight in Miami. We have never done this before but because of the grounding of the 737 planes this is what it takes to get to Haiti. John Lehnerz is our transportation this time.
DAY 2 Friday – DEPARTURE FOR Haiti 6:40 am arrival is 8:39 in PAP. We will be greeted by Mr. Nador our longtime friend for 25 years. He is our transportation this day.
Not sure at this point if we are off to St. Joseph Guest House or to a mission area in PAP to unpack another container that has parts that will be needed to compete the Cabrini Center. PRAY FOR SAFETY AND WISDOM FOR THE TEAM MEMBERS AND Haitian staff.
DAY 3 Saturday – DEPARTURE from PAP at 4:00 a.m. REALLY NEED PRAYERS THIS DAY. Arrival at Cabrini Community Center and begin unpacking and setting up for Sunday work day.
Day 4 Sunday – Mass in Jacmel, in their Community Center with Fr. Samson at 7:00 am. Begin work after mass. CONSTRUCTION TEAM IN PLACE READY FOR WORK.
9:00am Marianne and Bill Nathan will be doing leadership training and preparing the schedule with the leaders so everyone is on the same page. Our day will end between 3:00 – 4:00 and we will return to the hotel.
Day 5 Monday, Day 6 Tuesday, Day 7 Wednesday and Day 8 Thursday
MINISTRY TEAMS – Marianne and Bill along with the 5 leaders will visit 10 homes each day to deliver food, check water filters and test water for e coli. At that time we will interview each family member present. We need information for updating family records and to begin to know more specifically the family’s needs and how the community center will be able to help them make those changes in their lives. There will be leadership meetings again on Thursday all day.
CONSTRUCTION TEAM will start beginning the hard work of pouring 4000 SQ FT of cement flooring in the center including outside porches, stairs and sidewalks.
Another 4 man team will be working to complete the siding on the center. Remember none of the men working are from big construction firms. They are all men from the community or former St. Joseph children now grown adults. It is truly a community project.
DAY 9 FRIDAY – Construction team will be meeting with ELECTRICANS for November 2020 trip. We are having a combined Bible study meeting at 2:00 pm at the Community Center site.
Day 10 SATURDAY – will either be a cleanup day on site or a traveling day. Many prayers are needed that day. Or we might leave early 4:00 am on Sunday morning. Everything depends on the safety issues.
Day 11 SUNDAY – church, look out point for newbies Mike and Rob. Family visit with Bill and Walnes families at St. Joseph Welcome Center PAP
Packing for U.S.
DAY 12 MONDAY – Travel day back to the U.S. three planes but no overnight.
Jim Wesp will pick us up in Milwaukee at midnight. PRAYERS, PRAYERS LONG DAY. We are all happy to be back in the USA and are very thankful for what God has given us.
Thank you for your prayers. Check out Cabrini’s Facebook account for daily pictures and updates as well as www.Haitianmission com Go to menu and click on news and updates.
Remember is takes funding to preach the gospel and serve others.
The ways paying it forward are on the back of the prayer cards available in the Narthex or our home page on line.
Blessings, the Haiti Outreach Mission Team