Marianne Boehme
Haiti Outreach Ministry
July 2021 – Update

Dear Friends of Haiti Outreach,
We are saddened by the recent death of President Moise of Haiti and we pray for the First Lady’s complete recovery. Our programs continue to function and we are more committed than ever to succeed in our calling to serve and raise up the Haitian families. We are in daily communications with our leadership and they continue with their duties of ministry to our mothers and the children of the Jacmal community.
“We keep our eyes on Jesus who is the author and perfector of our faith.” (Heb. 12:2) Politics or Pandemics will not keep us from “the mission” which is the restoration of the family.
We have learned through the last 33 years in Haiti that our Haitian brothers and sisters are resilient, strong and hopeful. They won’t give up and neither will we. Cabrini’s Haiti Outreach confirms our commitment to empowering the people of Haiti, to improve their physical and spiritual lives. We’re grateful that our supporters are joining us in the journey.
In God’s Love,
Haiti Outreach Ministry Team