2020 – April 3

Marianne Pix 2014 cropped AP

By Marianne Boehme


Corona Virus Comes To Haiti

Food Program Goes Forward

Update-April 3, 2020

As of March 26th Haiti now has 6 confirmed cases of the virus but those of us that have served in Haiti know that many more of the population probably already has been exposed.  It is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere and struggles with food instability. Remember several weeks ago the terror we all felt when the virus hit our population. Educating the population in Haiti and how they can help themselves by hand washing and social distancing will be a big step.  Most of Haiti has no running water.  But the people are doing the best they can with what they have.  The picture below shows the Haitian way of running water. Our servant leaders at the Cabrini Community Center have been proactive. They set up a 5-gallon bucket, with a nozzle, soap, and bleach for the families that use the center each day.  They did their due diligence by acquiring food before the boarder was closed at the Dominican Republic. This allowed the 4th food distribution to go forward on April 3 & 4 to our thirty families.  Timing is everything and everyone at Cabrini moved the finances forward and our Haitian team completed the process in Haiti to make it happen. Once again the Holy Spirit led all of us with the right timing and resources.  Thank you all for your support.  Please continue to give to these vital programs, without resources none of this could happen. 

The Cabrini Community Center in Jacmel has made the difference between life and death among our families.  Just like Jesus reached out to the poorest of the poor we too continue to represent Cabrini parishioners in this mission of giving hope and dignity for the poor.

More information available www.haitianmission.com web site and the Haiti Outreach display in the Narthex.  Please continue to pray for the world.  And remember Jesus is with us.  He never leaves us or forsakes us!!  Look toward  the Light so we can be the Light for others.