By Marianne Boehme
August 18, 2021

We wanted all of our supporters to know that our friends in Haiti – Bill and Walnes and their immediate families are safe in their homes in Port au Prince. However, they both have extended families that were not so fortunate. They live in La Cayes and Jeremie two of the larger cities that were hit by the earthquake on Saturday 8-14-21. Please pray for them.
The tropical depression named Grace that dropped huge amounts of rain (5-15 inches) on all of Haiti on Monday night, (8-16-21), forced many survivors in the South Western part of Haiti to sleep in the rain.
Walnes’ parents, grandparents and aunt lost their homes. Bill’s wife, Lillie’s cousin was killed and another cousin was seriously hurt. Their homes were destroyed as well. The 2010 earthquake affected many people in Haiti as an estimated 300,000 people died at that time. Memories are difficult to deal with now. Please pray for all of Haiti. They just can’t seem to catch a break.
As a side note, Cabrini’s Haiti Outreach Mission Center in Jacmel sustained no damage and none of our leaders and our mothers were injured. We are grateful to Lord Jesus for his protection. HOWEVER, LIFE CONTINUES TO BE HARD IN HAITI, WHICH IS THE POOREST COUNTRY IN THE AMERICAS!
It you want to help Bill and Walnes directly please contact:
Please see map below