2020 – November & December

Marianne Pix 2014 cropped AP

By Marianne Boehme


Thank you For Being

“The Blessing For The Haiti Outreach Ministry”

Update – November & December 2020

After the weekend mission appeal on September 19 & 20, we began a time of waiting. Waiting to see the response to the video. Waiting to see if Fr. Nathan’s words reached the people at the masses that weekend. Mass attendance was much lower than we have ever seen due to the virus. So we prayed and trusted God that we had followed His directions and we would accept God’s will.

We didn’t have to wait too long, the week after the appeal we had a contact from a family that was very touched by the video. They stepped up and gave a large donation that would allow us to distribute food to 36 of our families on Oct. 9 & 10th in Jacmel. Because of our wonderful leaders in the US and Haiti we were able to put the food distribution together very quickly which was another miracle.

As the weeks passed we were so grateful that many of the Cabrini parishioners also stepped up and gave from their hearts so we can begin our ministries once again in Haiti. We will be starting with Bible classes before the Christmas season. The other classes will begin in January if the Covid 19 virus and the political situation remains under control in Haiti. So please continue to pray for the government in Haiti. Below are the words of gratitude and thanksgiving that come from just a few of our mothers. Written as spoken to us.



“My idea is that Cabrini Mission never forget about us in the hard time. Now life is really difficult. So many problems but GOD will never forsaken his kids. Thank you again.” Marie Jeanette Lubain



“Thank you so much because each time I see Mr. Carmelo and Mr. Eral carry these food on their shoulders my family is happy. Thank you again I will continue to pray for you.” Roselaure Boyechio


The mission appeal goals were met but the Haitian needs are ongoing during the year. We cannot survive only on the appeal. We pray that the Cabrini parishioners will continue to give from the heart during the year. Now without bulletin articles it is more difficult to get the updates out. The web site will be updated each month, or hit click in the e-bulletin article to connect to the web site. Hard copies will be available in the Narthex Haiti Outreach Display. If you have any questions email Marianne at marianne@.mboehme.com or call 262-338-8845.

He understands the commitment and sacrifice that your gift represents. THAT IS WHAT TOUCHES HIS HEART.