By Marianne Boehme – October & November, 2022 Update
Testimonies-God continues to work in the midst of political unrest

Because of another successful Mission Appeal this past September, we are able to reach out to our families twice in the last month. Haiti is dealing with a political revolution. WE PRAISE GOD FOR CABRINI’S ABILITY TO AID THE POOREST OF THE POOR. As Mother Teresa said, “You will never know what the poor did for you until you reach heaven.” There are frequent shut downs and daily protests, mostly peaceful, unless the gangs see an advantage to come against “We the people” trying to be heard.
Haiti is now entering its 4th month of this revolution. The de facto government is non–functional, there is no Senate for checks and balances. There is no sign of any type of transition. The ripple effect of fuel shortages is significant – businesses, utility companies, hospitals, and now water purification plants are shut down. Our families are blessed with water filter systems that Cabrini has provided for them the last 5 years.

Haitians have taken to the streets, lifting their voices in anger and frustration. Protesting is the only voice that remains. Schools are closed. Banks are open only on limited basis, also gas is limited and very expensive, $40.00 per gallon. Decisions about safety and survival are made daily. Bacterial infection are running rampant and not enough antibiotics to cure them.
People are dying from starvation and diseases that have cures. This is what our Haitian friends and families are living through daily. Marianne is in contact with leadership daily. We need to keep out eyes on Jesus, who is the author and finisher of our faith. Everyone is weary and frustrated. However, we all need to get up daily and persevere every single day; we believe that as long as we have breath, the next day will be better. Cabrini is right in there with them even in the hardships as the work continues.

The testimony that we share now with you will remind us that the Lord is with us and He will provide.After several conversations with a mother, it became apparent that we might have other families that had not eaten in several days, as there was no food to beg from a neighbor or family member. Carmelo and Marianne had a conversation about getting food even if was only enough for one small meal a day for a week. We had to come up with funding to purchase one large bag of rice and some oil to divide for seven mothers who were in desperate need. We borrowed funds from several of our leaders and Carmelo started on his journey that Sunday afternoon to deliver what we had gathered. He went on foot, as there was no gas for the moto.

When Carmelo began his journey on Oct.2nd, he filled his backpack up that he could hardly carry it in on his back. Carmelo is a tall strong man but the load was a challenge for the long walk ahead of him. After delivering to several houses, he was praying to the Lord for strength to make all the deliveries. He realized that the backpack was getting lighter with each gift of food he gave way. He felt a nudge in his being that the Lord was telling him that the more you give to another in need the lighter your load becomes. He then realized he would have the strength to complete his task that day. It was a long day. He returned to his house and family at 8:00 pm that night. He was hot, sweaty, and dirty, and his cold shower really felt good that night. He was so happy to share the revelation that the Lord gave him that day. This is what love one another is all about.

Please visit the web site to watch the September 2022 video titled, ”The Christian Life Is Daily.” Check out below the three ways to give. Consider a monthly giving just call the office to set up. There are no fees if you choose that way to support Haiti. Praise you all for your continued support helping to grow the Cabrini Legacy in this part of the world that the Lord wants to bless through you.
***MONTHLY FOOD DISTRIBUTION WAS DONE FOR 38 FAMILIES ON Oct 22, 23 2022. Only because we had the funds to do so. We can only do what Cabrini supports.